2015-2016 Annual Sustaining fund Donors
Thanks to the many generous donors who contribute to the Annual Sustaining Fund, the West Virginia Symphony Orchestra is able to open the doors of imagination for thousands of young people and bring the thrill of live classical music to audiences throughout the state and region.
Contributors in the following listing reflect 2015-2016 Donor Giving Levels for the Annual Sustaining Fund drive:
Your Donation keeps the music playing.
Cooper’s Cohorts
^John & Fonda Elliot
James & Ruth Kessler
Maestro's Circle
Mr. Charles Avampato
William Maxwell Davis
^Stephen & Tricia Dexter
^Charles & Samantha Hageboeck
H.B. Wehrle Foundation
^Dan & Kathy Foster
William B. Maxwell, III
Nina Peyton
Dr. Thomas Potterfield, in memory of Ann H. Potterfield
Francis M. Saldanha, M.D.
James & Keith Straw
Trustee's Circle
Fred & Mary Jo Armbrust
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Buck
Marlies Charbonniez, in honor of Grant & Margie Cooper
William & ^Sharon Flanery
John & Beverly Hall
Kanawha Salines, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Love, III
Herk & Sherry Sims
^Andrew & Margaret Teeter
Gail & Walker Thompson
Robert & Diana Westmoreland
Cooper's Circle
Mike & ^Laura Lee Albert
Armbrecht Family Fund
Mrs. Marion Baer
Joshua Barrett & Julie Adams
W.M. & Katherine B. Becker
Dr. & Mrs. William H. Carter, in memory of Helen F. Lodge
Philip & Dawn Combs, in honor of Sandra Groce, Jennifer Wood, & Tom Beal
B. Duane Dombek & Barbara K. Warren
Robert & Nancy Douglas
^A.L. Emch & Pamela Emch
Helen Epps
Dwight Foley
Barbara & ^Stephen Hopta
Michael & Denise John
^Steven & Sharon Jubelirer
Otis Laury
Mr. & Mrs. David A. King
^Sallie McClaugherty
Timothy A. & ^Cindy S. McGhee
Callen McJunkin
Phil & Susie Melick
Bill & Phyllis Payne
Dan & Judy Schuda
David & Rebecca Shuman
^Melissa & Art Rubin
Mr. & Mrs. L. Newton Thomas, Jr. in honor of Grant Cooper & Helen Lodge
^Steve & Jeanie Thompson
Michael & Janet Victorson
Margie & Dave Wallace
Glenn & Nancy Warner
Arnett Carbis Toothman Wealth Advisors LLC
^Gene Bailey
^Thomas Bailey
Victor & Ellen Kay Bastron
^Patrick A. & Mary Kay Bond
Mrs. Nelle Ratrie Chilton
Judge & Mrs. John T. Copenhaver, Jr.
The Courtland Company
Robert & Barbara Cruickshank
Frank D’Abreo & LaRee Naviaux, in memory of their parents
David DeBolt
^Rudolph & Martha DiTrapano
Patrick & Katherine Leggett, in honor of Grant & Margie Cooper
^Richard & Jaime Lewis
^Janice Lessley
Gregory & Melody Pendergrass
Michael & Shelia Neal
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Nolan, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, IV
^Patricia J. Schumann
Richard & Becky Smith
Samuel R. Uppala
Drs. Edwin & Janet Welch
Timothy C. Alderman
Warren & Sheila Danzer
^James Wilson Douglas
Horace & Sally Emery
Larry & Sandra Groce
^Priscilla Haden
Ms. Jandy Hanna
Jeanne Javins
Virginia & Art King
Thomas Kirk
Frank & ^Tanya Law
Britt & Judy McJunkin
Nancy Osborne
John A. & Lucille S. Pianfetti Fund
^Dr. Joan Phillips
Rain & Ene Purre
Deborah Sink & Robert McLusky
Doug & ^Marisa Skaff
Millie Snyder
Robert Swartz & Sara Walker
Garth & Darlene Thomas
Sue Thompson
Pat Walker & Diana St. Charles
Jane & Ken Wright
George & Sue Zaldivar
David & Janet Clayman
B. Diane Clements
Dr. & Mrs. William Cline
W. Alva & Page Deardorff
Patrick & Alison Deem
Martin Wayne Eich, in memory of Dr. Carol Crumrine Eich
Dr. & Mrs. John Fuller, Sr.
Skip & Pat Gebhart
Michael & Pat Habenschuss
Linda Heatherman
^Deborah Herndon & Blair Gardner
Rory & Kimberly Isaac
Jeffrey & ^Ruth Joseck
Charles T. Jones
Brett & Tammy Kelly
^Michael Klausing
Gregory & Lynnda Kozera
Phil Lawrence USAF (Ret.)
Sarah Martin
Marilyn McGeorge & John Smithson
Mary Anne Michael
Perry Miller & Taunja Willis-Miller, in honor of Elizabeth Willis
Steve & Kathy Moss
Charles & Patricia Moyers
Clyde & Betty Neely
Jim & Ann Nelson
Martha M. Nepa
Quentin & Liz Nix
^Mary Ann Osborne
Dr. & Mrs. Michael R. Panger
Gregory & Corlene Patterson
Carolyn Perrine
Janis Reynolds & Douglas Kilmer
Mr. & Mrs. John Rawlins
^Randall Reid-Smith
Edward & Virginia H. Rugeley
Charles Schade
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Selby, Jr.
Anne Ray Silbernagel, in honor of John & Jane Ray
Nancy Ann Smith
James & Robin Snyder
David & Betty Stern
Rebecca & Thomas Tinder
James & Joan Waggy
William & Mary Wagner
Edward & Nancy Ward
Rod & Susan Watkins
James & Barbara Wilson
Rick & Beth Vorhees
Benjamin & JoEllen Zacks
Cooper's Club
Mr. & Mrs. Max Alkire
Frances R. Allen, in honor of her grandchildren
William & Constance Apgar
Chris & Melinda Apperson
Drs. V.H. & M.B. Ayoubi
Louise Babst
Ron & Cindy Bailey
Gary & Jeanette Baker
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Banning
Joseph & Betty Beeson
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Blackwood
Kathryn Boland, in memory of James Boland
William & Mary Booker
Michael & Carla Boyle
Karen Brimhall, in honor of Grant Cooper
James & Sue Bryant
Jim Call
David & Teresa Calhoun
William & Nancy Cameron
Dr. & Mrs. Marshall Carper
John Casto & Lisa Fisher Casto
Charleston Memorial Eye Clinic Trust Fund, in honor of Lenore Rashid Hendricks, Mrs. Diana Salamie, Mr. Grant Cooper, John & Fonda Elliot and in memory of Ann H. Potterfield, Clifford Lantz, Helen Lodge, Alfred Peck, Margaret Shepherd, & William “Bill” Mellert
Lois J. Coffey
Jeanette Corey
Catherine Cornell
Andrew & Cynthia Counts
Dr. & Mrs. James B. Cox
Jean Cunningham
Dr. & Mrs. J. Truman Dalton
F.M. Davis Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Drescher
Edward I. Eiland
Douglas & Bonnie Fisher
John & Diana Fleek
Briscoe & Anna Forbes
Richard & Annabelle Fulks
Duval Lee & Dorothea Fuqua
Billy & Pat Garner
Richard & Susan Genthner
Geoff & Grace
Mrs. Allen Carter Giltinan
Jack & Doris Goldfarb
Doug & Jeanne Goodman
Frank & Genene Gourley
Todd Green
Ray & Hedda Haning
Katherine Hastings
Goutam & Padmini Hattiangadi
Tom Heywood & Melody Simpson
John & Donna Holstine
Tom & Anna Horn
Thomas & Jan Howard
Robert P. & Phyllis K. Howell
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Iannetti
In Memory of Inis V. Brooks & Helen I. Brooks
In Memory of Margaret Shepherd
Kurt & Carla Jaenicke
Mr. & Mrs. Wilmot Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Kapourales
George & Judith Keller
Elizabeth Kenna
Dr. Samuel King II & Mary Jane Hanson
Bruce & Cynthia Kolsun
John & Pamela Kuyk
Lester & Benita Labus
Mr. & Mrs. C.T. Lawson
Thomas & Sally Llewellyn
Dr. & Mrs. Tony Majestro
Duncan & Lura Malcolm
Norman & Cynthia Maret
Mike Maurer
Bill & Carol Mollohan
Karon Myers
Lionel & Maryrose Nair
Adolf & Ellen Neidermeyer
Louise Nelson
Ann C. Patterson
Charles & Alice Riecks
Janice Runyon
William & June Sale
Martha Sandy
C. Russell & Carolyn Tucker Smith
Don & Kay Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac N. Smith
Rob & Rebecca St. Jean
Tom & Vicky Sporck
Mary Stanley
James & Kathryn Stone
Edward Tiley & Gina Busch
Earl Trent
Lee & Martha Walker
Jim & Ann Weimer, in honor of Thomas & Ann Potterfield
Andrew & Barbara Wessels
Joseph & Jeanie Wiest
^Michelle Wittekind & Danny Forinash
^Jayne Whitlow
Charles & Karen Winter
Louise Wiseman, in honor of Dr. Kenneth Williamson
John & Jo Ellen Yeary
David & Chris Zinn, in honor of David Porter
Lillian Alfred
Betsy Allen, in memory of Mark Evans
Roberta Allison, in honor of Bernard & Andrea Di Gregorio
Leslie Anderson & James Martin
Martha Ammon
Steven & Jacqueline Artz
Gregory & Elaina Atkinson
Bridget Bailey
James & Patricia Bailey
Ed & Larrie Bartrug
David L. Bell, D.D.S.
Girmay Berhie
James & Judith Blandford
Diana Boggs, in memory of Thekla Marran Lund
Susan Hamilton Bohnert
Gary Borstein
Linda Bouvette
Tod Brandenburg
Mr. & Mrs. John Brown, Sr.
James & Sue Bryant
Toby Buel & Tamara Knox-Buel
Eleanor Byrnes
Byron & Kathryn Calhoun
Mr. & Mrs. William Cameron
Kathleen Canonico
Donald & Kathleen Carmody, in memory of Paula McNamara
Raymond & Janet Carroll, in memory of Paula McNamara
Michele Cartwright
Andy & Loretta Casto
J. Fernando Cevallos-Candau & Kathleen Mimnagh
Delford Chaffin
J. Caroline Chamness
Wanda Chenoweth
Jeff & Beth Chiparo
Ronald Cockeram
Eric Comer
Charles & Carol Cook
Harvey Creasy
Julia Crichton
Kimberly Cross & Nimish Mehta
Mary Jarve Currence
George Daugherty
JoAnn Dawson
Leonard & Judith Deutsch
John & Anne Dever
Paul Dietz
William F. Dobbs
Tom & Linda Dover
David & Loraine Duke
Susan Economou
James & Colleen Eisinas, in memory of Paula McNamara
David Facello
Terry L. Farley
David & Carrie Fenwick
Samuel Ford
Steve & Cindy Forman
Charles Foster
Manuel Franco
John & Janet Gagnon
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Galloway
Mark H. Gaston, in memory of Evelyn Rapp Gaston
John & Paddy Sue Gay
Mary Alice Gentry
John & Margaret Gerety, in memory of Thekla Marran Lund
Jeff & Christy Gillenwater
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Gillespie
Thomas & Louise Gillooly
Ralph Glover
Michael & Linda Goff
Jennifer Greenlief
Geoffrey & Susan Haddad, in memory of Thekla Marran Lund
Teresa Hamm & Stephen Cresswell, in memory of Clyde Hamm
Jane Hange & Larry Penix
C. Conrad & Beverly W. Haskell, in memory of Thekla Marran Lund
James Haught & Nancy Lince
Marilyn Henstock
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Herring
Richard Hess
Augusta High
Dr. Tom Hisiro
Charles & Donna Hively
John Hoblitzell & Emily Hopta, in memory of Thekla Marran Lund
Hord, Coplan, & Macht, in memory of Thekla Marran Lund
Nicholas & Brenda Hun
Bob & Ruth Hutton
Nancy Jackson
John & Patsy Jarvis
Patricia Jarvis
C. Leonard & Linda Johnston
Loretta Jones
Jim & Debbie Kahre
Lois Kaufman
Tod & Barrie Kaufman
James Kaya & Debra Grauel, in honor of Juliana Dills
Walter & Betty Klingensmith
David & Barbara Koontz
Alan & Carol Kuhlman
Robert & Priscilla Lawson
Mr. James B. Lees
Sue Littlejohn
Dr. Jeff Lipscomb
Ron & Ramona Lockwood
William Lund
Kenneth Lutts
Mary Beth Majka, in memory of Paula McNamara
Scott Mansour
Marilyn Mason
Toby & Linda McCallister
Kathryn McCrary
Pat McCullough, in memory of Paula McNamara
Diane McKeever & Eric Jensen, in memory of Paula McNamara
Raymond & Jane McKinney
Kevin McNamara, in memory of Paula McNamara
Sherry McWatters
Patrick Miller
Thomas Morgan
Mary Sue Moss
Bill & Carolyn Mullett
Sharon Mullins & Robert Neel, in honor of Grant Cooper
Dale Newlon
Otis & Elizabeth O’Connor
Mary Pat Owen
Robert Parker
Robert & Sharon Perkinson
Frederic Pollock
Pool Pals South Charleston Rec Center 9:30 Class, in memory of Thekla Marran Lund
Robert & Vickie Powell
Rebecca Pratt
Norma Randall-Myers
Kenneth & Barbara Rubin
David & Gale Rubrecht
Martha A. Sandy
Don & Terri Sappington
Dennis & Charlene Sayre
William & Dorothy Scharf
David & Jeanne Schmauss
Juliana Serafin & Albert Liu
Barbara Shannon
Fran Shropshire
Evelyn Sitler
Betty M. Skaggs
Gary Slezak, in memory of Paula McNamara|
Judith Smith
Roy & Ingrid Smith
Judy Spradling
Constantine Stanley
Dave & Pat Stanton
Gale Stocking
Charles & Tina Stodola
Mark Stotler & Martha Hill
Gardner & Elizabeth Stultz
Megan Tarbett
Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Tellis
Emily Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Trump, in memory of Thekla Marran Lund
David & Susan Talbott
Tri-State Roofing & Sheet Metal Company
Dorotha Turley
Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Turner
A. Stephen & Carolyn Underwood
Charles & Wendie Urling
Nancy Wallace
Phillip & Janet Walls, in memory of Paula McNamara
Stephen Weber
Brent & Miranda Welcher, in memory of Thekla Marran Lund
Uala Puckett Wells
David White
Mike Whiteford
Steven & Linda Winkel
Dianna Wood
Barry & Constance Woods
Philip & Julia Wright
Wayne & Pat Wriston
John Zondlo & Rena Boucha
^Denotes WVSO Board Member
In support of WVSO Chorus
Sandra Amory
Linda Austin*
Joshua Barrett* & Julie Adams*
Colleen Anderson
Thomas & Julie* Barrick
Greg Bradley
Joan Browning
Chester & Amy Brenan
Evan* & Theresa Buck
Marlies Charbonniez*
Brien Chase
Andrew & Cynthia Counts
James* & Elizabeth Crockett
David DeBolt
Bryan & Deborah* Eads
Mark Epling*
Lisa Ferrara*
Patricia Haddy
James Hoffman
John & Donna Holstine
Grace Huang*
John* & Jeanne Hubbard
Barbara Hutchinson-Smith*
Patricia A. Jarvis*
Mary Johnson*
Angela Jones
Kanawaha Valley Village People, Inc.
Anne Keller*
Mike Klausing*
Joy Kleeman*
Marcia Koch*
Kim Krostic
Gracie Lester
Patricia Lilly
Mely Lim
Kevin & Nu Ling* McGrath
Toni Miller*
Carol Mollohan
Kathleen Muehlman
Sandra Murphy*
Karon Myers*
Robert Newman
Nancy Overkirk
Stewart & Kathy Pepper
Meredith Persinger
Patricia Pierce*
Pile Hardware
Frank Ping
Rachel Policarpio
Renate Pore
Diana Prichard
Greg Proctor
Bernard* & Amanda Ream
Robert & Deborah Rodecker
Charles Schade
Susan Schessler*
Pat Schumann
Karen Setterstrom
JL & Carol Simpson
James & Robin Snyder
Paul* & Sylvie* Steranka
Louisa Swift*
Jeff* & Carrie* Swing
Susan Tams*
M.L. Thomas
Dean Triervilen
Richard & Jacqueline Veres
Rod & Susan Watkins
John & Karen Williams
Roger* & Gwyn* Wolfe
Barbara Young
*Denotes Chorus Member